CATEGORIES: Branding. Photography. Advertising. Print.
AWARDS: Platinum, Poster Series Creativity International Awards 2017
Platinum, Subscriber Catalogue Creativity International Awards 2017
Silver, Subscriber Catalogue Graphis Design Annual 2017
Merit, Main Stage Poster Series Graphis Poster Annual 2017
Merit, Lab Production Poster Series Graphis Poster Annual 2017
Merit, Season Catalogue How International Design Awards 2017

CATEGORIES: Branding. Photography. Advertising. Print.
AWARDS: Gold, Angels In America Poster Graphis Poster Annual 2016
Silver, Poster Series Graphis Poster Annual 2016
Merit, A Perfect Specimen Graphis Poster Annual 2016
Merit, Picnic At Hanging Rock Graphis Poster Annual 2016
Merit, Clinton The Musical Graphis Poster Annual 2016
Gold, Angels In America Poster Graphis Design Annual 2016
Merit, Season Catalogue Graphis Design Annual 2016
Silver, Season Catalogue Creativity International Awards 2016
Silver, Angels In America Poster Creativity International Awards 2016

CATEGORIES: Branding. Photography. Advertising. Print.
AWARDS: Silver, Season Catalogue Creativity International Awards 2015
Silver, Poster Series Creativity International Awards 2015
Silver, Season Catalogue Graphis Design Annual 2015

CATEGORIES: Branding. Photography. Advertising. Print.
AWARDS: Finalist, Season Catalogue Best Awards 2014
Platinum, Season Catalogue Creativity International Awards 2014
Silver, Poster Series Creativity International Awards 2014
Merit, Season Catalogue Graphis Design Annual 2014
Merit, Poster Series Graphis Poster Annual 2014

CATEGORIES: Branding. Photography. Advertising. Print.
AWARDS: Best In Show, Poster Series Creativity International Awards 2013
Platinum, Season Catalogue Creativity International Awards 2013
Silver, Season Catalogue Graphis Design Annual 2013
Merit, Poster Series Graphis Poster Annual 2013
Winner, 5th Annual How Poster Design Awards 2013
The Black Swan State Theatre Company is at the heart of Western Australia’s arts and cultural sector. Since its establishment in 1991, it is committed to artistic excellence and its contributions to the Western Australian community, garnering a reputation for producing high quality theatre productions which feature both local and international talent.
The Black Swan State Theatre Company’s commitment to quality is integral to its identity, making it a vital and highly respected institution within the region’s cultural landscape.
Providing design solutions for Black Swan over the course of 13 years, saw a collaborative relationship develop with the then Artistic Director and marketing team to produce the annual subscriber brochure, creating unique styles to showcase each upcoming season.
Working closely with Black Swan and understanding their artistic identity enabled the generation of new and striking visuals to be developed, enhancing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.
Working together and exploring many exciting concepts saw our partnership acknowledged with a Good Practice Recognition Award as part of the Australian Business Arts Foundation Awards in 2012.
When Black Swan relocated to the new State Theatre Centre in 2011, we were commissioned to refresh the company’s 20-year-old brand. The goals – to honour their two-decade history, infusing new life into their visual identity while also commemorating their anniversary as they established a new presence in the Australian theatre industry.
The quality of the design work produced for Black Swan, gained widespread recognition throughout the arts and cultural sector receiving numerous international awards. In fact, Former Greens Senator, Scott Ludlam once commented on the quality of work stating “It made my eyes smile!”
The 2013 poster series, which was created to showcase a selection of plays from some of the theatre company’s favourite writers of the last 100 years, was recognised winning a Best in Show Award at the Creativity International 43rd Print and Packaging Awards. As the first Australian design studio to receive this honour, it reinforced the importance strong and visually striking design can play in the arts to promote their work and connect with audiences.
The winning entry featured five complex yet classically designed posters, incorporating photographic styling and manipulation to capture the essence of each of the five plays, whilst maintaining a strong theme throughout the series.
“It is smart and well executed. A beautiful balance of colour and monotone, of imagery and use of white space, of photo realistic imagery and photo montage and the great level of detail work and consistency throughout each piece make this a memorable entry” – Judges comment, HOW Poster Design Awards 2013